Words of a Piglet (小豬豬的話)
The day I met you first 初見你那天
Was the day of my birth 我呱呱落地
Pink and round, me oh so plump 粉紅渾圓胖嘟嘟
With Mom I gaily frolicked. 跟媽咪快樂嬉戲
Lovingly you looked at me 你疼愛地看著我
Praising, 'Oh, so round, what a cutie!' 稱讚著: 圓滾滾,多可愛!
Every day you came by to visit 每天你來探視我
Bringing cool water and delicious veggie treats. 帶來冷飲與美味素餐
Mommy and I were so touched 媽咪和我好感動
Your kindness worth more than gold 您的善心勝黃金
I lived a peaceful life 在您的關懷與保護下
Under your care and protection 我過著和平生活
Growing more plump with each passing day 日漸長大胖嘟嘟
Just eat, rest and play… 天天吃睡和玩樂
So lovely was this early morn 這天清晨多可愛
As clouds were drifting across the sky 空中浮雲輕飄過
Cuddling together, Mommy and I 媽咪與我相偎依
Unaware of the befalling tragedy! 未料悲劇將降臨
Two brawny young men 兩名粗壯的男子
Strong like tigers and elephants 壯如猛虎與大象
Squashed my tiny body 推壓我小小身軀
Flat into a cage of horror! 塞進恐怖牢籠中
There was no way to escape! 無路可逃
O God, what purgatory was this? 上帝啊,這是何等恐怖!
I wailed in fear and terror 我害怕驚恐哀嚎
Mom, oh Mom, please save me! 媽咪啊,請來救我!
Oh caretaker, 照顧者啊,
please come protect me quickly! 請快來保護我!
Rescue my life, I'm still at a tender age! 救我一命,我還小啊!
Mom was crying out in sorrow 媽咪悲哀地哭泣
Tears of desperation filling her eyes 絕望眼淚盈滿眶
The immense Heavens cannot contain 浩瀚蒼天容不了
This horrendous emotional pain! 此情悲痛多可怕!
My caretaker turned away 照顧者轉身而去
Hands busy counting a stack of money 手上忙著數鈔票
Haplessly I rolled around in the car trunk 不幸的我在車箱內翻滾
Breaking heart more painful than bodily misery! 心碎之痛更勝肉身苦!
The two young men bantered: 兩名年輕人揶揄著:
'This piglet will be so tasty! 這隻小豬看來真美味!
Tomorrow we'll slaughter him 明天我們宰了他
To celebrate the birth of the wife's newborn baby!' 慶祝太太的新生兒!
Oh, how ironic this life 喔,生命多諷刺
My soul is shattered 我靈魂破碎
Tears flow in my heart 內心淌淚水
Like blood running in rivulets. 似血流成河
I thought you loved me 我以為你愛我
Nurturing me to maturity 要養我長大
But all this was a sham 但都是假的
For you, it's just profit and gain! 對你,這只是利益!
Tomorrow my body will be cut to pieces 明天我將碎屍數段
My flesh and bonesturned to sheer torture 骨肉飽受痛苦折磨
Just so people can laugh in merriment 人們才能開懷大笑
At their happy feast and gathering. 歡樂聚會大啖宴飲
To your children and others' too 祝福你和其他人
I wish them all long lives 孩子個個都長壽
So the family can stay together 家庭才能長相聚
Not endure the same fate as mine… 免受此命運如我…
I pray the whole family lives nobly 願全家生活高貴
To be human in many lifetimes 生生世世能做人
And never be reborn as pigs 永不輪迴生為豬
Paying forever karmic debts! 償還無盡業帳債!
Alas, good-bye life… 唉,再見了,生命…
I ache for my gentle suffering mother 想念受苦的慈母
In tears I am overcome… 不堪淚水中…
Oh, Mommy! Mom…Mom… 喔,媽咪!媽…媽…